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A Cheatsheet for Docker

if you are using Docker in your local or remote ennvironment, sometimes you might have trouble to manage Docker images and containers. I want to share a small cheatsheet that I used. I think this is very short and usefull cheatsheet.


Export docker image to tar file:

docker export <container-name> > latest.tar
docker export --output="latest.tar" <container-name>

Import docker image via stdin:

cat image.tgz | docker import - imagelocal:new

Import with a commit message

cat image.tgz | docker import --message "New image imported from tarball" - imagelocal:new

Import to docker from a local archive:

docker import /path/to/image.tgz

Image Snapshots!

Basiscally commit commad shohuld be used for snnapshot operations. That snapshot is an image, which you can put on a (private) repository to be able to pull it on another host.

docker commit

Downnload image from private registery.

docker login
docker pull
docker pull

If you dont specify a private repo, docker will try to download thhe image from docker-hub

docker pull debian

Other Docker Commands

Manage the Docker serivice:

service docker start/stop/status/restart

list running docker containers:

docker ps

Open a shell in a container:

docker exec -it <container-name> /bin/bash

run a command innside docker:

docker exec <container-name> <command>

list docker images:

docker image ls
docker images

list docker cotainers:

docker container ls

remove all docker images:

docker rmi $(docker images)

run docker image:

docker run <image-name>

stop docker image:

docker stop <containenr-name>

stop running container through SIGKILL:

docker stop <image-name>

list conntainer networks:

docker network ls

pull docker image from docker-hub repository:

docker pull kalilinux/kali

Remove unused data:

docker system prune

Reference Cheatsheets